Scar treatment is not as simple as you might first expect. There are several factors that need to be considered before undergoing a specific type of treatment. Doctors will also require information to determine what type of scar you have as there are various types and each one requires a different approach. Some of the inquiries that need to be addressed include the severity of the injury such as the size and deepness of the wound, age of the patient and their current state of health.


One of the simplest methods in scar treatment is via injections. Doctors will inject the scar tissue with a compound known as cortisone. Cortisone is a type of steroid that is also used as an anti-inflammation which works great with keloid and hypertrophic scars. Cortisone acts by softening the rugged scar tissue which in turn helps flatten it back to normal.

Different Treatments for ScarsAnother type of compound used in injections is the hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid helps the scar tissue blend better with the surrounding skin. Hyaluronic acid injection is used for deep scars and is commonly used for acne scars.

It is important to note that injection treatments may not be able to heal all scars completely and will require you several trips to your doctor for multiple shots over time.

Laser Surgery Treatment

Laser surgery is another option available for those who are interested in removing their scar. However, not all would be given this option instantly as they still need to pass an evaluation by the doctor. Even after that is a rather complicated process of testing the right type of laser for your scar and skin type. Laser treatment acts by transforming the scar tissue so that it would be able to blend in normally to the surrounding natural skin. This type of treatment must only be done by a licensed professional. Laser surgery is quite expensive and will require you several sessions in order to get hold of the full benefit.

Scar Removal Methods

This process is a more straightforward approach and is defined by completely removing the damaged scar tissue via various methods and assisting healthy new skin to grow. There are various types of scar removal treatments and some will be quite invasive which is why some of these methods are considered to be last resorts by doctors.

Different Treatments for ScarsChemical Peeling – As the name implies this one will utilize some powerful chemical compounds to remove the scar tissue. The process involves bleaching off the damaged skin tissue and assisting new skin to regenerate over the area. This will most likely cause some redness and irritation during the whole peeling process.

Dermabrasion – This method might cause some discomfort as it will basically just scrub off the scar tissue. You can get a hold of specially made scrubs which you can buy at your local pharmacy if you want to do the treatment by yourself.

Cryosurgery – One of the most painful in this list. The scar tissue will be frozen and chipped away to give way for new skin to regenerate properly.

These are the most common types of scar treatments today. You will be given the choice which one to take once you have consulted with your dermatologist. Remember that preventing the scar is still the best method so be sure to take proper care of any injury you might sustain.

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